Former Alonzo King LINES dancer Maurya Kerr, and founder of San Francisco’s project-based dance company Tinypistol, is teaching a series of ballet classes at TU Dance Center. Maurya comes to the Twin Cities as part of the University of Minnesota Dance Program Sage Cowles Land Grant Chair.
Saturday, Oct. 4, 3:00-4:30pm (master class)
Monday, Oct. 6, 9:30-11:00am (open class)
Monday, Oct. 13, 9:30-11:00am (open class)
Click here to learn more about Ms. Kerr and Tinypistol
Cost of master classes: $20;
Please click here for master class registration.
Cost of open classes: $14; payable at TU Dance Center, or visit the open classes section of our website to purchase a 10-class card online.
Classes are for intermediate & advanced dancers.